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Cancilleria de Colombia

Misión Permanente de Colombia ante la ONU en Nueva York

Imagen ONU

Teléfono Local:



801 Second Avenue, 12 Floor. New York, NY, 10017

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The Mission of Colombia to the United Nations fulfills the role of representing the country at the bodies and agencies of the United Nations based in New York. Additionally, the Mission has the following specific functions:

  • To maintain a permanent link between Colombia and the United Nations Organization;
  • Negotiations with the Organization and within the framework of it;
  • To follow the activities in the Organization and report thereon to the Government of Colombia;
  • To ensure the participation of Colombia in the activities of the Organization;
  • To protect the interests of Colombia to the Organization and,
  • To promote the achievement of the purposes and principles of the Organization of cooperation with and within the framework of it.

The Mission is headed by a Chief of Mission, with the title of Permanent Representative (Ambassador), two Alternate Representatives and several diplomats who deal with the following of different items on the agenda of the United Nations and its bodies and report on developments that occur in such issues to the authorities to conduct foreign relations.